Enjoy dedicated commercial office cleaning service from a experienced team of trained cleaners.
Hiremop provides a safe and reliable sanitary waste disposal service for your feminine hygiene needs. It is suitable for all residential and commercial areas.
When it comes to the waste disposal service, our personnel will ensure that the waste bag lining is properly changed, disinfect the bin as well as remove any odour before returning to service.
This is a sensitive service which should only be done by licensed contractors specialised in feminine waste removal. At the end of each service, each bin are thoroughly cleansed, sterilised and treated with anti-bacterial solution.
*We ensure that only trained personnel will be deployed for the job at the customer site.
We will be happy to catch up with you in person. Do drop us a text first and we will reach out to you pretty soon!
Email: | Telephone: 6656 5180 | WhatsApp: 8505 4699
Office Operating Hours: Monday to Saturday, 9:30am to 6pm